Femi Works


“We found a great match in Boozt24, whose approach to work balances automation with a personal touch, just like ours. That's why we're confident in partnering with them."


About Femi Works


Femi Works, is a mediator in the construction and electrical engineering industry, connecting clients with freelancers. Based in Amersfoort with branches in Breda and Sittard, the company is highly automated - freelancers can use an app to report their availability, and specialized software processes this information and matches supply with demand. But automation is not everything - Femi Works also values supporting the freelancers it mediates. 

Entrepreneurial coaching, advice, and other forms of support are regular items on the company's agenda. For example, at the Breda branch, the company offers training in entrepreneurial skills, installing heat pumps, and technical requirements in its own classrooms.


Automated and personal

Femi Works has focused on automating its internal processes to save time and effort. Freelancers just need to log in to the schedule app and report their availability. When a suitable project comes up, they'll be contacted by phone and the dates will be booked. Hourly reporting and further administrative tasks are handled automatically, leaving Femi Works free to focus on personal connections with its clients. This is what they were looking for in a financier: one that is efficient and still provides a personal touch.




Femi Works is a relatively new company, established at the end of 2021 from a small, long-standing sole proprietorship, with the goal of growing. Capital for the desired automation was quickly found, but financing to meet ongoing payment obligations, such as paying out self-employed contractors for the hours worked while clients have not yet paid, proved to be a different matter. 

The company decided to seek funding from a large financial institution, but despite seeing potential in the new business, the institution ultimately declined because young companies do not fall within their target group.



The financial institution referred Femi Works to Boozt24, and due to their highly automated processes, including reverse billing and low error rates in administrative processing, the company was able to easily join the Boozt24 financing platform. "The invoicing through the platform has worked well from the start. Most things are self-explanatory, and for those that are not, a phone call is sufficient for explanation and/or additional action", according to Heussen. 

After that, everything moved quickly. Business took off so quickly that Femi Works had to ask to increase the pre-financing limit after only 8 weeks, which was promptly arranged. "At Boozt24, you quickly know who the decision makers are and it's nice that they also actively participate in the conversations, so decision-making lines are short," Heussen says.

The Result

"The Boozt24 platform and Femi Works' high level of automation were a perfect match for optimal pre-financing"

'As a young company with a brilliant idea, it's not a given that you'll be able to secure funding for it. This is especially true if you started as a sole proprietorship, decided to grow your business by expanding your management team, and opted for a high level of automation of business processes to achieve your goals. Despite how well everything may be running, lenders tend to be cautious in these cases and often want to wait and see. Boozt24, however, looks at entrepreneurs differently.
Marc Heussen

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“We found a great match in Boozt24, whose approach to work balances automation with a personal touch, just like ours. That's why we're confident in partnering with them."

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