Here we answer all your factoring questions

Have a look at our frequently asked questions. If your question or answer is not listed here, please contact  us. We are happy to help you.

The most important thing first

You want to know this first

How quickly do you pay my invoice?

We pay you within 24 hours after approval of your invoice. If you have sent your invoices before 10:30 am, you will be paid the same day.

About factoring

The general questions about factoring

What is factoring?

Factoring is een alternatieve financiering voor ondernemers. Factoring is het verkopen van openstaande facturen aan een factoringmaatschappij. Je krijgt het bedrag binnen 24 uur op je rekening, zo ben je als ondernemer niet langer afhankelijk van de betalingstermijn van jouw debiteuren. Kortom factoring zorgt er voor dat jouw facturen binnen 24 uur liquide worden.

How does factoring work?

Boozt24 works with its own platform. All invoices are automatically imported when you send the invoice to the debtor by e-mail. These invoices are then checked in our system. If the invoices are approved, you will be paid by us within 24 hours.

View our method page for more information.

From quotation to customer

That's how our process works

How do I become a customer?

Request a quote here without obligations. You will receive a response from us within 24 hours, if we think we can help you, you will receive a final quote from us. After this you send us some documents. When you agree, it's settled.

How do I request a quote?

Use our quotation form. Enter the requested information here, it will be sent directly to one of our account managers.

What is the maximum you finance?

We finance up to a limit of 10 million. (Turnover of 100 million)

Within timeframe will you respond to my request?

Within 24 hours you will receive a quote from us.

I already have an existing loan, can I still apply?

If you already have financing, then in many cases this financier has a (first) right of pledge on your receivables. In order to use Boozt24, the right of pledge on your invoices must be given up. In consultation with your current financier, you can agree that they will release the right of pledge while retaining the financing.

If your current financier does not agree with this, the financing of Boozt24 will have to be used to repay the current financing, so that the right of pledge on your claims is also released. Always discuss this with your current financier.

Do you also finance already sent invoices?

Yes, we also finance this. We can take over an existing portfolio.

The conditions

The small print of our service.

Do you offer factoring for invoices to individuals?

No, unfortunately we cannot assist you with factoring for invoices to private individuals.

What are the requirements?

To be eligible for financing with us, you must meet the following four conditions:

  1. Your company is in business for at least two years and you can prove this with annual reports;
  2. You are active in the B2B-market
  3. You have an outstanding debtor balance of at least €50,000;
  4. You will generate a turnover of at least €500,000 this year.

View our method.

Do you also accept foreign debtors?
Yes, we also accept foreign debtors. We do not rule out this possibility, our risk department will decide whether this is possible in your case.
Does my company have to be based in the Netherlands?

If you want to use our service, your company must be located in the Netherlands and have a Chamber of Commerce number.

Do all my customers have to be creditworthy to use your service?
It may happen that our credit insurance does not give the green light to your customer. This does not mean that your customer will not pay, this only indicates that our insurer does not want to cover the risks. But this does not mean that you cannot use our service. Depending on your portfolio, the risk department will look at the possibilities.

The costs

This is what you pay for our service

What does factoring via Boozt24 cost?

At Boozt24 we work with three types of fees::

  1. A one-time fee: To become a customer, you pay a one-off registration fee of 1% of the issued limit, with a minimum of €1,250 (excluding 21% VAT).
  2. Fee on agreed limit: In consultation we will agree on a limit with you, the maximum amount of financing. You pay a fee over the agreed limit.
  3. Fee on financing used: Every day our system calculates the value of your portfolio. You only pay a fee for what you actually use.

For more information about the fees we advise you to contact us.


Our billing process

Do you also finance already sent invoices?

Yes, we also finance this. We can take over an existing portfolio.

Am I obliged to send (all) invoices via the platform?

Yes, we only finance the entire debtor portfolio, so that there is a better spread of risk. This allows us to better finance your company.

We do not finance separate invoices (single invoices). The invoices are sent to your debtors via our platform. This gives us the certainty that invoices have actually been sent to the debtor. Invoices can be sent to us in various ways.

How do I submit my invoice?

Our system is designed in such a way that the invoices are automatically imported into our platform as soon as you send an invoice to your customer by e-mail. You send an e-mail to the customer with our e-mail address in the cc/bcc, the attachment of the e-mail contains a PDF + UBL (version 2.0 or 2.1). The UBL file allows us to automatically import these invoices.

Will my customer see that I use factoring?

Yes, your customer will see on the invoice that your invoice has been transferred to Boozt24. Although this is sometimes considered negative, it is not necessarily a negative fact. Entrepreneurs who use financing to further grow their business; many companies see this as a sign of professionalism.

Do I need to adjust my invoice layout?

No, you do not have to adjust the layout of your invoice. Just make sure that your account number changes to our account number. You must also add the following text to the invoice:

This invoice has been sold and assigned to Boozt24 Finance B.V. Discharging payment can only be made to Boozt24 Finance B.V. to account number NL..INGB0………...INGB0……….

What happens if my customer goes bankrupt?

If you have submitted invoices to us, you are insured for 90% against the bankruptcy risk. Provided this debtor has credit insurance. So if your debtor goes bankrupt, you are guaranteed to receive 90% of the invoice value. You therefore pay a 10% excess of the invoice amount yourself.

What happens if a debtor does not pay (on time)?

Boozt24 supports you with automatic reminders, but you keep in touch with the customer. If there is still no payment, you have the choice to buy back the invoice (and you remain in control of your customer relationship) or the invoice will go to our debt collection partner and they will help you collect the invoice.

With us

The additional information

What about seasonal financing?

Is there more demand for your product in one season than in another? We think along with you and can temporarily increase the limit. Boozt24 then increases the limit for a minimum period of 3 months to accommodate a seasonal peak.

Can I keep my own bank account?
Yes, you can keep your own account, but you will get your own account with us where customers pay their invoices, this is called a collection account. After receipt, we will transfer the funds back to your own account. You can therefore keep your own bank account as a payment account.

Does Boozt24 work with insurance?

Yes, the invoices are insured against bankruptcy and non-payment. We arrange a policy for you on our platform. Do you already have an existing policy, no problem. We pledge the existing policy to us and when it expires we add you to our policy.

What are the mandatory parts of my invoice?

The following mandatory parts must be included on your invoice:

  • Invoice date
  • Unique invoice number (number of invoices consecutively and sequentially)
  • VAT & Chamber of Commerce number
  • Name & address of your company
  • Name & address of your customer
  • Een omschrijving, de hoeveelheid en de aard van het product/dienst dat je geleverd hebt
  • A description, the quantity and the nature of the product/service you have supplied The price excl. VAT and incl. VAT and the VAT amount to be paid. If the reverse charge mechanism applies, you state: “VAT shifted”
  • Payment term / due date (take the term that you have agreed with your customer for this)
  • Debtor number
Will you take over my debtor management?

We do not take over the debtor management. We understand that you like to keep control over your customer relationships. That is why we do not interfere with your debtor management.

What obligations do I have if I work with Boozt24?
When you use Boozt24 financing, you have the obligation to send all invoices via our platform. In addition, it is not allowed to settle invoices with your debtors. The purchased invoices can only be closed through payment by the debtor. For other obligations, please refer to our payment conditions..
Can I sell an international invoice?

We buy international invoices, provided the invoice is sent from a Dutch entity.

Will you contact my debtor?

We only contact your debtor on a random basis. We do this to verify invoices.

Focus on growing your business

Quickly convert your turnover into working capital through factoring
