"Selling through agents may cost more than having employees, but I firmly believe that self-motivated individuals drive positive results in brand sales"



If a clothing retailer wants to ensure they have both fashionable clothing from seasonal collections in the mid- and upper-segment as well as basics for the whole year around, MSBVR is the place to be! MSBVR is an innovative distributor, located in Amsterdam, with an eye for fashion and short lines of communication to both the brands they represent and the target market. MSBVR purchases from reputable clothing manufacturers and sales are done through independent agents distributed throughout the country, always close to the retailer for optimal personal contact and advice. Collections are delivered on order, while basics such as jeans are kept in stock and available for super-fast delivery throughout the year.


A single point of contact

MSBVR is a distributor that prioritizes both its brands and agents. Rather than selling and delivering directly to retailers, MSBVR works with independent agents. This gives manufacturers the benefit of having a single point of contact for orders and deliveries. Invoicing is done through MSBVR and not through the agents or retailers. This approach also benefits the agents by not having to deal with uninsured purchases, while still being able to deliver. 

MSBVR streamlines the process for both manufacturers and agents. One unique aspect of MSBVR is that they do not stock up on seasonal collections, but instead gathers orders from agents and place a bulk order at the relevant brand to avoid being left with unsold merchandise. However, they do keep basics such as jeans in stock to ensure a steady base revenue.



One of the unique challenges MSBVR faces is its position as a distributor between the producer and agent. This means one point of contact for the producer and guaranteed payment for all orders. The agent does not have to take on the risk of uninsured purchases from their own customers, while still being able to deliver.

MSBVR invoices the agent's sales directly to the retailer and keeps track of all sales in its own CRM system. For the agent, MSBVR creates commission lists that can be viewed and checked in their own account in MSBVR's CRM system. In order to pay the producer's invoices on time, pre-financing (part of) the invoice amount is an excellent solution, provided that the systems of the company and financier are compatible. A system change with the previous financier proved to be a major problem for MSBVR.



MSBVR chose to start using the Boozt24 platform for financing its invoices to retailers in early 2022. Any obstacles encountered during the transition were quickly resolved thanks to the support and patience of Boozt24. 

The small team and short lines of communication at Boozt24 proved to be a major advantage. The current process ensures MSBVR is guaranteed up to 85% of the invoice amount. This allows the company to have the necessary financial resources to pay suppliers and agents on time. Additionally, MSBVR can maintain direct contact with the customer, the retailer, and can take timely action if payments from a retailer are delayed.

The Result

Boozt24's pre-financing provides the necessary cash flow for MSBVR

"Thanks to the smooth pre-financing of invoices through the Boozt24 platform, MSBVR can fully focus on managing its brands and agents. "The key word for the company is 'streamlining'," says Chris, "by ensuring that our suppliers don't have any issues with invoicing retailers and by providing retailers and agents with a single point of contact for invoicing."
Chris Lapperre
Co-founder & Owner

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