Collecting unpaid invoices

Effectieve Strategieën voor het innen van onbetaalde facturen

As a business owner, collecting outstanding invoices is essential for maintaining a healthy cash flow. Unfortunately, collecting unpaid invoices can sometimes be a challenge. It can be time-consuming and frustrating to chase customers who don't pay on time. But it's important not to give up and to ensure goed debiteurenbeheer. Here's a step-by-step plan for successfully collecting unpaid invoices.

Step 1: Make clear agreements

It all starts with making clear agreements with the customer about the payment term and the consequences of not paying on time. Clearly state these agreements on the invoice and send it to the customer on time. This will prevent misunderstandings and ensure the customer knows what is expected.

Step 2: Send reminders

If the payment term expires and the invoice has not been paid, send a reminder. This can be a friendly reminder, but you can also indicate that there will be consequences if payment is not made soon. Clearly state when the payment must be made and what the consequences are of not paying.

Step 3: Charge collection costs and statutory interest

When a customer does not pay your invoice or pays it too late, it's possible to charge collection costs and statutory interest. As a creditor, you have the right to recover the costs you incur in getting your money. In addition, you can demand statutory interest if your customer has a payment backlog. However, it's recommended to first send a friendly letter or make a phone call before using these options.

Step 4: Make a payment arrangement

When you notice that your customer cannot pay the invoice on time, it's wise to investigate whether a payment arrangement can be made. It's important to put the agreements in writing and agree that the arrangement will lapse if the customer does not pay on the agreed dates. It's not advisable to propose a payment arrangement directly without first investigating other possibilities.

Step 5: Hire a debt collection agency

If the customer does not pay after the reminder, hire a debt collection agency. A debt collection agency specializes in collecting unpaid invoices and can increase the pressure on the customer. Unpaid invoices are often paid quickly after a debt collection agency is hired.

Step 6: Start legal proceedings

If the customer still does not pay after hiring a debt collection agency, it's time to start legal proceedings. This can be a lengthy process, but it may be the only way to collect the unpaid invoice. Always hire a lawyer to ensure the entire process is handled properly.

Step 7: Learn from your experiences

Collecting unpaid invoices can be a challenge, but it can also be a learning experience. Analyze what went wrong and what you can improve for the future. For example, use invoicing software or create a clear payment policy.

Collecting unpaid invoices can be a challenge, but it's essential for a healthy cash flow. By making clear agreements, sending reminders, hiring a debt collection agency, and starting legal proceedings if necessary, you increase the chances of successfully collecting unpaid invoices. Learn from your experiences and keep improving your debtor management to prevent future problems.

But what if my client is located abroad?

If you have a client located abroad who does not pay their invoice, you can also enlist the help of a collection agency. Make sure that the agency has knowledge of the country and speaks the language. If this is not possible, you can initiate a European Payment Order. The customer will then receive a payment order and will have 30 days to respond. If there is no response, the court will enforce payment. Finally, you can start legal proceedings. The starting point is that the court of the client's place of residence is competent. In your contract or delivery and payment terms, you can specify that the Dutch court is competent and that Dutch law applies.

Prevent unpaid invoices with Boozt24

In addition to the methods mentioned for collecting unpaid invoices, there is another solution that can be considered: factoring One of the benefits of factoring is that your company has immediate access to cash flow, which can strengthen the company's financial position. Furthermore, Boozt24 takes on the risk of non-payment, so you do not have to worry about potentially writing off unpaid invoices.

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